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Air Freight Service

We arrange handling of your cargoes from your overseas principal or vendor in Singapore or anywhere in the world by airfreight all the way through to all parts of Indonesia as part of our solution offerings.


Spedco Kaltim organizes direct consolidated air freight shipments from Singapore to Indonesia several times a week. Air freight shipments are delivered or transshipped to further destinations upon clearance.


At Spedco Kaltim, we recognize that our customers' logistics needs are dynamic and they change as our business environment changes. As such, we are committed to providing flexible solutions to meet your changing business environment by offering the following customs clearance and delivery solutions to Indonesian ports.​


  • DAT (Delivered at Terminal) or CPT (Carriage Paid To) term

  • DDP (Door to Door) Service

  • DAP (Delivery at Place) Term

  • Master List Clearance

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